This article outlines how Link My Books allocates and assigns tax line items from Shopify orders to accurately account for them.
For orders shipped to the United Kingdom, Australia or New Zealand
Tax Lines in orders where the country is GB, AU or NZ will be merged into:
Shopify Sales - Principal
Shipping Tax Lines in orders where the country is GB, AU or NZ will be merged into the Shopify Sales - Shipping
For orders shipped to the United States or Canada
United States Tax Lines will be allocated to Shopify Sales Tax - Sales Tax-US
Canadian Tax Lines will be allocated to Shopify Sales Tax - Sales Tax-CA
For orders shipped to other countries
All other countries Tax Lines will be allocated to Shopify Sales Tax - Tax
For orders where you (the seller) are not responsible for tax
π‘ The channel_liable
field informs merchants that another party is responsible for sales tax remittance, which then helps merchants better understand the tax that they are responsible for.
If channel_liable
is true then Tax Lines will not be merged and regardless of destination country will be allocated to:
Shopify Sales Tax - Tax Collected
Shopify Sales Tax - Shipping Tax Collected
For these orders there will be a corresponding line item for the tax remitted allocated to:
Shopify Sales Tax - Tax Remitted
Shopify Sales Tax - Shipping Tax Remitted
If you have any questions about this article or feedback on how we could make it better please reach out to the support team via the blue chat icon on the bottom right of the page or via email to [email protected].