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Link My Books for Shopify

Help articles relating to our Shopify integration
Shopify Fees & Taxes
Help articles related to Shopify Fees & Taxes
Is there VAT on Shopify fees?Does Shopify charge VAT on their fees?
Taxes on ShopifyHow Link My Books deals with taxes on Shopify
How to reconcile Shopify sales paid via PayPalHow to reconcile your Shopify-PayPal settlements and deal with PayPal Fees
Using bank rules in Xero to speed up Shopify-PayPal reconcilingWhen using the PayPal bank feed in Xero, it's wise to set up bank rules
Using bank rules in QuickBooks to speed up Shopify-PayPal reconcilingWhen using the PayPal bank feed in QuickBooks, it's wise to set up bank rules to help speed up your workflow
How to reconcile Shopify sales paid via Klarna
Shop Cash credits on ShopifyHow Link My Books deals with Shop Cash credits on Shopify
Shopify Payment Gateways & Reconciliation
Help articles related to Shopify Payment Gateways & Reconciliation
Shopify Payment GatewaysAll payment gateways are supported
Reconciling Shopify Sales & Fees - Other payment gatewaysHow to use clearing accounts for other payment gateways such as PayPal, Stripe, Klarna and any other payment gateways
Why are my Shopify discounts not reconciling with Shopify Finances summary?Fully discounted orders and why they are ignored by Link My Books
Custom Shopify gateway clearing account mappingsHow to customise your Shopify gateway clearing account mappings
Shopify Split PaymentsWhat are Split Payments - Debits and Split Payment - Credits?
Unknown Gateway Shopify TransactionsWhy orders fall into the unknown gateway
Shopify Payouts & Finance Reports
Help articles related to Shopify Payouts & Finance Reports
Why are my payouts from Shopify Payments not lining up with the Shopify Finance Summary report?Reconciling the Shopify Finance Summary Report with Xero or QuickBooks data
How to download Shopify Finance SummaryIf you'd like to compare your Shopify data to Link My Books summaries
Shopify Gift Cards & Chargebacks
Help articles related to Shopify Gift Cards & Chargebacks
Shopify Gift CardsWhat VAT rates apply to both the sale of Shopify Gift cards and the use of them too
How to reconcile gift card balances on Shopify
Shopify ChargebacksHow Link My Books accounts for Shopify chargebacks
Shopify Country & Regional Logic
Help articles related to Shopify Country & Regional Logic
Shopify destination country logicHow Link My Books determines the country for an order on Shopify