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Shopify Split Payments

What are Split Payments - Debits and Split Payment - Credits?

Daniel Little avatar
Written by Daniel Little
Updated over a week ago

When an order on Shopify has more than one payment transaction associated to it, that order must be reconciled across all of the payments transactions.

In rare cases where the order data from Shopify doesn't balance across the multiple payment transactions Link My Books will instead balance the full order values against one of the payment transactions and include a split payment line item to balance it out.

Take this as an example:

Order data:

Item 1


Item 2








Payment transactions:

Payment 1


Payment 2


In this scenario there is no obvious way that the order data can be split between the two payment transactions. Instead Link My Books will apply a split payment logic as follows:

Payment transaction 1 - $30:

Item 1


Item 2






Split Payment - Credit




Payment transaction 2 - $160:

Split Payment - Debit




This way the total order value is accounted for correctly and the split payment logic deals with the multiple payment transactions for the single order.

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