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Account & Subscription Management
Help articles related to Account & Subscription Management
Why am I unable to add a new user?
How to sign up for Link My Books without an existing Google accountGet a free Google Account with your current email address
Refer a friend and get £50 offerHow the refer a friend offer works
Sales Channel & Accounting Software Integration
Help articles related to Sales Channel & Accounting Software Integration
Which Xero or QuickBooks plans can I use with Link My Books?
How to reconnect a sales channel if it becomes disconnectedHow to reconnect Amazon, eBay, Shopify or Etsy when the connection is dropped
How do I change from one Xero to another?This article explains the steps to take to link your new Xero account to Link My Books.
How do I change from one Quickbooks to another?This article explains the steps to take to link your new Quickbooks account to Link My Books.
How to link my WorldFirst Account
How to use Link My Books with KashflowHow to set up Link My Books for use with Kashflow
Xero is disconnectedHow to deal with the error message "Xero is not connected"
Errors & Troubleshooting
Help articles related to Errors & Troubleshooting
Why am I getting a duplicate account error when trying to connect my sales channel?
Why am I getting an error about reaching my limit when sending settlements to Xero?If you are receiving an error whilst trying to send settlements
I'm getting a business validation errorSteps to resolve the error "Business validation error, the account ______ can’t be used with tax rate ______"
Validation errors: The TaxType code 'OUTPUT2' cannot be used with account code...What to do if you see this error?
How do I clear the missingtree error on my settlement?
missingTreeData - what does this error mean?What to do if you see the error missingTreeData on some of your settlements
I'm seeing the error message "You are not permitted to access this resource"Please find below the steps on how to resolve this error message.
The API rate limit for your organisation/application pairing has been exceeded
Tax & VAT Compliance
Help articles related to Tax & VAT Compliance
Should I enter product costs with or without VAT?Depending on if you are VAT registered or not will determine what you enter for your product costs
US Sales Tax - How Link My Books handles this
Tax rate FAQ'sFrequently asked questions about tax rates
Settlements & Reconciliation
Help articles related to Settlements & Reconciliation
Voided or duplicated settlement invoices/journals in Xero/QuickBooksHow to check if you might have voided/deleted or duplicated your invoices from Link My Books
No Option To Send SettlementsTroubleshooting Settlements Not Able To Send
How to automatically post settlementsHow to set your account up to post settlements automatically
Backdating the Auto Post Feature to send Historical Settlements AutomaticallyHow to use auto posting to send your historical settlements
Unable to reconcile in QuickBooks/XeroI have transactions in QuickBooks or Xero that I'm unable to reconcile.
How to reconcile foreign currency settlementsReconciling EUR USD or CAD settlements to GBP amounts
How to reconcile zero total settlementsWhat to do when your settlement total is 0
Why are some settlements split into two or more invoices?Why we split settlements that span multiple months
How to void an invoice or bill in XeroInstructions to remove an invoice or bill in Xero
I have accidentally hidden some of my settlementsIf you cannot locate the settlement you are looking for, it could be that they are hidden on your dashboard.
Why are some of my settlements being sent as bills instead of invoices to Xero?Dealing with negative total settlement invoices
Product Costs, COGS & SKU Issues
Help articles related to Product Costs, COGS & SKU Issues
Payout analysis page - COGS turned off or missing product costs error
Some of my products are missing the product costs/groups pageIf you're missing some SKUs on the products costs or groups page, read on
Common issues with bulk upload files and how to fix themIf you're struggling to bulk upload product costs or groups then you can troubleshoot using this guide.
Why do I have some SKUs with missing-shopify-sku in their name?Why some of your SKUs may have missing-shopify-sku in their name
COGS FAQ'sFrequently asked questions about how to track cost of goods sold
Data Import, Export & Tracking
Help articles related to Data Import, Export & Tracking
What data do you send to Xero/QuickBooks?
What data do you import from Xero/QuickBooks?
How Tracking Codes WorkHow to track your Amazon Marketplace data separately
Tracking SKU COGS over multiple MarketplacesTo be used when you would like to track the same SKU over different marketplaces
How to open CSV files safely with Microsoft ExcelUseful if you are having issues with bulk uploads for product costs or groups